Labrador-Grenfell Regional Integrated Health Authority: Labrador Integration Plan
- Lead/Recipient: Labrador-Grenfell Health Authority serves a population of 42,000 people in Newfoundland and Labrador, of which 35% have self-identified as Innu, Inuit, or Métis
- Partners: Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation and Mushuau Innu First Nation; Nunatsiavut Department of Health and Social Development; Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Health and Community Services; Health Canada Labrador Health Secretariat; First Nations and Inuit Health Branch - Atlantic Region
- Funding: $168,500
- Duration: October 2007 - September 2008
- In Brief: The Labrador-Grenfell Health Authority worked with the Nunatsiavut Inuit government and two Innu communities to examine current mandates, programs and services and develop a joint plan to direct future health program delivery and coordination. The plan identified priority health areas that require collaborative partnerships and will be implemented through a formal agreement.
Miawpukek First Nation: Developing and Implementing a Community Health Electronic Information Plan in Miawpukek First Nation
- Lead/Recipient: Miawpukek First Nation Health and Social Service Centre
- Partners: Central Regional Health Authority; First Nations and Inuit Health Branch - Atlantic Region
- Funding: $342,190
- Duration: September 2008 - March 2010
- In Brief: This project will develop and implement a community health electronic information plan in Miawpukek First Nation in order to increase access to health information by health and social service providers and contribute to community planning in Newfoundland and Labrador. This will be achieved by coordinating electronic information sharing among partners and identifying and creating a forum to resolve jurisdictional challenges.
Mushuau Innu Health Commission: Mushuau Innu Collaborative Mental Health and Addictions Development Project
- Lead/Recipient: Mushuau Innu Health Commission
- Partners: Labrador-Grenfell Regional Health Authority; First Nations and Inuit Health Branch - Atlantic Region
- Funding: $108,390
- Duration: January 2009 - March 2011
- In Brief: This project aims to improve the quality of mental health and addictions services for the Mushuau Innu in Newfoundland and Labrador by developing a more coordinated and collaborative approach to mental health and addictions service delivery. The project will strengthen working relationships between the two organizations by developing protocols for referral, follow-up/discharge and consultation. It will also identify jurisdictional issues/barriers as they apply to referrals, follow-up and discharge.
Nunatsiavut Government: A Collaborative Response to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Intervention Gaps Project: Integrated Competency Development in Support of Multi-jurisdictional Teams
- Lead/Recipient: Nunatsiavut Government's Department of Health and Social Development is one of six departments, which is responsible for the health of Inuit residents of Labrador
- Partners: Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation; Mushuau Innu First Nation; Labrador-Grenfell Regional Integrated Health Authority; Labrador School District # 1; First Nations and Inuit Health Branch - Atlantic Region
- Funding: $273,595
- Duration: July 2007 - March 2009
- In Brief: The Nunatsiavut Department of Health will work with two Innu communities, a regional health authority, provincial school board officials and Health Canada to develop and implement a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder training program for behavioural health aides. An action plan will be developed to increase Innu and Inuit participation in health care delivery and capacity to work in multi-disciplinary teams.
Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation: Taking Care of Our Children
- Lead/Recipient: Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation
- Partners: Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation; Child Youth and Family Services, Labrador-Grenfell Health Authority; Labrador School Board; First Nations and Inuit Health Branch - Atlantic Region
- Funding: $189,803
- Duration: July 2008 - March 2010
- In Brief: This project will support the development of a framework and protocols for integrated case management in the community of Sheshatshiu, with a particular focus on Innu children in care and their families. The integrated case management system will be implemented under a Memorandum of Understanding to be signed between the Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation and the Labrador-Grenfell Health Authority.